Weird 24 hours
So the 24 hours after Chris and Jolee's house was very strange for Jeremy, Carrie, Rachelle, and Trent. I would like to recap what seemed like an endless amount of bad luck.
1. After leaving the elder Downing's house the lady at the Gaslamp said she would only stay open until 12:45 no matter how much money we paid her.
2. After having way too many Tequila drinks, Rachelle yells at Carrie for disrespecting her during a dart game.
3. At Chris and Jolees Chris received the ' naked remote' treatment' from Scott. This wasn't bad luck, just funny. Jolee seeks new non-gay husband.
4. On the way to Jeremy and Carrie's we have to pull over so Rachelle can puke at Squawk Mountain Nursery. Plant's die.
5. Jeremy spills a full can of beans on his carpet during late night food party.
6. Boone barks for two hours starting at 8:00 a.m.
7. Rachelle wakes up and continues to puke.
7a. Jeremy has really bad gas.
8. There is no more food to have breakfast.
9. JP, Trent, and Carrie leave to go to lake. Rachelle stays in bed. Trent's car won't start at Gaslamp.
10. At Subway the pop machine is out of syrup and we all have soda water with subs.
11. Trent's car still won't start. Time to get Janean's truck.
11a. Trent' cell phone dies.
12. At Janean's house truck won't start.
13. Truck finally starts.
14. Rachelle is still puking.
15. Jeremy runs over his own wakeboards at his parent's house.
15a. Jeremy still has GAS
16. Boat doesn't start for 15 minutes at lake.
17. Boat starts.
18. Rachelle wakes up and wants to go to lake. She says she will call us at Vasa. Rachelle's cell phone fails. She calls Amy from pay phone and has Amy call Carrie's phone so we can get her. Evidentally Rachelle knows only two phone numbers on the top of her head.
18a. There is a Vasa Park shore nazi who hassles Rachelle about meeting up wtih us. Shore nazi doesnt't realize we borrowed new boat from Shylo's dad. This boat rocks.
19. At Shylo's house Jeremy's boat slides off the boat lift into Shylo's step dad's brand new $60,000 wake board boat and causes damage to the back end of the new boat and none to Jeremy's boat. Carrie estimates the damage at thousands.
20. Due to boat problems, Jeremy is late to pick up his dad at Vasa Park. Joel takes Jeremy out of will.
21. Jeremy and his dad can't get boat onto trailer because Joel doesn't do it right.
22. Trent's mom gets his car to start at the Gaslamp so Rachelle and Trent have to drive back to Janean's to drop off her truck.
23. Jeremy still has GAS.
24. Night ends at Cucina in Bellevue where they are short staffed and the food takes 45 minutes to get to the table. We pound Grande beers and yes, Jeremy still has gas.
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