Friday, December 07, 2007

Worst Reunion Ideas

Thanks to Scott of Snoqualmie Ridge...

--MTV News has compiled a list of the Top 10 Unmemorable Reunions of 2007. KRIS KROSS . . . those two rapping kids who wore their clothes backwards . . . got top honors.

--Here are the Top 10:

#10.) Squirrel Nut Zippers (--Remember when swing was hot for, like, an hour back in the '90s??? Good times.) (--They've been touring again . . . and plan to record a new album next year.)

#9.) Finch (--Reformed after splitting in 2006.) (--Who are these guys again???)

#8.) The Mighty Mighty Bosstones (--Back together for the first time in four years. They've recorded a few new tracks for an upcoming rarities CD.)

#7.) AquA (--Next year, they'll be performing their "Barbie Girl" song . . . and whatever else it is that they do . . . on a summer tour and a possible "best of" CD.)

#6.) Crazy Town (--You know their song "Butterfly" . . . "Come my lady, come come my lady, you're my butterfly. Sugar, baby." A new album is in the works.)

#5.) White Lion (--reformed, again, for Mullet-Stock (a.k.a. Rocklahoma), among other gigs. They're working on a new album called "Return of the Pride".)

#4.) Eve 6 (--They had been broken up for three years . . . not that you noticed.)

#3.) (The British dance group) EMF (--For now, they're just playing a few shows.)

#2.) Extreme (--They'll be playing "More Than Words" all over the world during a tour this spring. A new album is also on its way, at some point.)

#1.) Kris Kross (--These guys are closing in on 30 years old now, but they're apparently working on some sort of a "comeback" album.) (--They were that teenage rap duo that wore their clothes backwards. It was amusing at the time.)

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