Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Seattle "Issues"

Take a peak at the article from the Weekly. I'll be posting my comments/thoughts shortly.

Quick thoughts:
1. There is a reason people don't want you to smoke in front of can kill em. Pretty simple really. People may have a right to smoke, but they don't have a right to kill others in the process. Get over it smokers!
2. Why does anyone care if someone you don't know gets a lap dance in a place they don't even visit? Only adults are allowed in strip clubs, so Seattle isn't protecting today's youth. I don't understand the problem here.
3. I love Rock Posters on power poles. Are power poles so attractive that we need to see every detail or their metal/wood glory? Nope.
4. Greg Nickels should concentrate more on exercising.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Smoking in front of a bar is not going to kill anyone except the smoker and people severely allergic to their own self-righteous indignation. I've come around to the smoking ban, but the 25-foot rule is no good.

- Wine Man