Just watched the Republican YouTube debate.
1. I am for tougher border control. However, the guys asking the immigration questions seemed like White Supremacists. Their voices filled with rage and hate toward immigrants, and they did not even remind themselves for one second that WE ARE ALL IMMIGRANTS TOO. These guys with cowboy hats, beards, and a junior-high education do not reflect kindly on my ideal America. I was actually shocked I didn't see a bunch of people in white sheets throughout the audience. And the hell is everybody's obsession with guns? How can you call an event where you shoot at something that can't shoot back a "sport"?
2. Anderson Cooper needs to grow a pair and actually ask some tough follow-up questions.
3. Mitt Romney's flip-flopping makes John Kerry seem like the most bull-headed and stubborn man in history. Talk about a guy pandering to his "new" base and telling people what they want to hear.
4. Fred Thompson stutters more than Froghorn Leghorn.
5. John McCain, with the exception of his refusal to admit failure in Iraq withstanding, seems like the only sane Republican candidate. Good luck Senator.
What about the Mormon Huckabee?
Huckabee is not Mormom, not that it matters what religion he identifies himself with. He is a southern compassionate preacher. He is a bible literalist and discounts science.
He is also very likable and is a very good public speaker. I enjoy listening to him talk even though I disagree with many of his personal views.
Shows what I know. I wonder how I got the impression that he was. I thought there was a mormon candidate.
Which views do you disagree on?
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