Friday, March 18, 2005

Survivor Update

WOW! This is only my second season of watching Survivor but that wasthe best episode I've seen. The dynamics and strategies run deep.Angie was a broken soul, old man Williard is gone...Stephanie made asmart move by not voting for Bobby Jon the second round, Bobby Jondoesn't take kindly to that sort of thing or would he just say "that'sthe way the cookie crumbles...". I was very impressed with Trisha'smain man's (Ibreham), last speech, after all they're not playing forSTEW. Brandi, Cale the tribe has spoken.

Brett James
Eric Stephenie
Elizabeth Jennifer
Brandi Angie OUT
Tiff Jonathan OUT
Dave Jamie
Trish Ibreham
Brian Ian
John Smyth Ashley OUT
Kerry GreggT
rent Bobby Jon (yes he has two names)
Rachelle Caryn
Laurie Coby
Cale Willard OUT
Julie Wanda OUT
Jon Katie
Jeremy Tom
Carrie Jolanda OUT
David Jeff OUT
Amanda Kim OUT

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