Saturday, February 03, 2007

I feel really bad for this mother. She obviously loves her son, but at the same time she is happy for him too. A must-read.

‘As of today 26 states have passed constitutional amendments to deny my son his civil rights,’ Chafee says

Timothy Fadek / Polaris for Newsweek
‘As of today 26 states have passed constitutional amendments to deny my son his civil rights,’ Chafee says.


Anonymous said...

She looks like she could be my mother, anyone's mother. I feel for her. - Robert Cahill, Miami Florida.

MoMo said...

I found this story extremely touching-in a beautiful and yet, very sad way. I feel sad that this article had to be written at all. I hope that someday in America articles like won't have to be written because all will have the rights they derseve in the first place. Do mind if I also use this link for my own writing?

Trent said...

Post away Monica. Link away.

Just to give you a heads up this blog site is usually pro-feminism, pro-environment, pro-homesexual rights, pro-equal rights, anti-Bush,and pro-choice etc.
My personal politics are fiscally conservative, environmentally progressive, and socially moderate. I think the government is way too involved in things they don't need to be and they aren't involved enough in things that matter (education,health care, and the homeless etc.)
Maybe that should be on the front page?