Saturday, September 09, 2006

The New 9-11 Movie on ABC has Been Receiving Terrible Reviews

Plus, ABC has had to re-edit much of the movie due to "historical inaccuracies".

Can you please explain to me how a movie that takes place between five and ten years ago could be so inaccurate? Doesn't ABC know that the people the actors portray in this docu-drama are still alive? Have they heard of interviewing people? Phone calls or emails maybe? I know, it's a new concept.

Also, ABC seems to have forgotten that Bill Clinton had weekly meetings in regards to his rising concern of the Al Queda terrorists and that he did in fact leave the Bush office with a handy memo entitiled "Bin Laden determined to Attack US", which our current President conveniently put aside for another day.

Having a few inacuracies about an event that took place 100 years ago is somewhat excusable, and perhaps even expected. But getting this wrong is just sensationalism and lazy TV. I'm glad to hear it's a boring movie.

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