Friday, November 11, 2005

Arrested Development Cancelled!!!!

A sad day for fans of intelligent comedy

Okay, we all knew this was coming, especially after only 4 million people tuned in for its one-hour episode on Monday (pitiful!), but now it's official: Fox is cutting back its order on TV's best comedy, Arrested Development, to 13 episodes, instead of a full-season slate of 22, and pulling it during November sweeps. In other words, Arrested is kaput (as is its delightful freshman companion, Kitchen Confidential).

Even though Fox stuck with the series a lot longer than most networks would for a ratings-challenged show, I can't say I'm not crushed. And I know it's a complete longshot, but I'm still going to say a novena in the hopes that ABC or NBC (neither of which exactly have a booming roster of quality sitcoms) might have the good sense to snatch this puppy up.

Either way, it's been a hilarious run, and to honor the wacky Bluth clan, I'm inviting everyone to share their favorite Arrested Development moment. Mine comes courtesy of a throwaway line delivered by Bluth matriarch Lucille (Jessica Walter), who, forced to lower her standards and eat in a family-style restaurant, was asked by a waitress if she wanted, ''Plate or platter?'' Lucille, befuddled and repulsed, replied, ''I do not understand the question, and I won't respond to it.'' Evil. And genius.


Anonymous said...

My favorite moment comes in Season 2 when Buster helps Gob complete his "Sword of Destiny" illusion. Handing Gob the sword rather quickly and edge first, Buster lops off two of Gobs fingers. The crowd erupts in applause and Gob falls to the floor yelling "You cut off my fucking fingers!" The crowd claps harder and Gob replies "No, he cut off my fucking fingers!" More wild applause...

Trent said...

Tobias in a store browsing.
Salesperson: Are you browsing or just curious?
Tobias: You might say that I am bi-curious.